WHAT’S HOT: Tarot Insights

By Nanette Wiser

We met Claudine Flé when she moved to Gulfport as a snow bird, a fascinating woman who lived all over the world. Now here full-time, she’s taking her leadership and business skills and pivoting into a new venture, Consciousness Tarot Experiences

It’s a cool new way for groups of friends to connect and have fun. It’s also a powerful business tool that can help shape business decisions, along with intuition and hard, cold research.

Tarot has become popular again, maybe due to the uncertainties of our time.  It is now a $2.5 billion dollar industry and is recognized as the latest cool tool in personal growth. For example, mysticism and tarot were recently the top trending terms on Pinterest. Everyone is having tarot parties, checking tarot apps on their phones and consulting tarot readers to make major life decisions or to seek levity and entertainment. 

Tarot is not fortune telling but fortune co-creation. It is a tool focused on personal growth and creating inspiration and motivation. You don’t use tarot cards to see your future, but you can definitely use them to see yourself more clearly.

Tarot experiences are now delivered online for groups. They’re a great idea for a birthday, a bachelorette or a friend virtual get together.  You’ll learn the history of tarot, its uses throughout history, how to tap into your intuition and each participant in the group gets a reading.  Find out more by emailing infobutterflyroar@gmail.com.

Claudine is a certified tarot consultant who trained with a master reader and intuitive. As a tarot reader, an Intuitive and a personal coach, Claudine can tap into information and give clients immediate multidimensional value with her readings. Tarot has helped her to make decisions and move forward in her life and she wants to share with you the incredible benefits that Tarot can bring to yours.

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