This month’s Property Wizard article is designed to provide relevant and helpful information to you whether you’re considering selling, buying or investing on our barrier islands. Real estate in our resort areas, especially with the best beaches in America tend to be a better investment than inland properties. I understand that for many of us, investment potential may not be our prime motivator. When we’re selling or buying a primary or secondary residence for our personal enjoyment, we sometimes forget about the importance of appreciation, return on investment (ROI) or cash flow. Do you know about 1031 tax deferred exchanges, legal vs. illegal rentals, elevation certificates, soil tests, flood insurance, construction options, renovation vs new build options, how to choose contractors, why build now or wait, how age affects beach properties, new FEMA flood maps, HOA special assessments and a myriad of other considerations that may affect your sale?

Real estate agents, in general, have a reputation of caring about the sale rather than learning about and sharing pertinent information according to the wants and needs of each client. Good agents are like counselors for lifestyle. If you sell, buy, rent or invest without knowing how hyper-local factors affect your decision, you may not make the best decision for your family’s lifestyle. Our Beggins Beach Team offers relevant info to you without any obligation. Our agents as are thoroughly trained and what they may not know they draw on my 47 years of experience in Florida real estate to help you. Tune into my weekly REAL BEACH TALK each Tuesday from 4-5 on to learn about beach relevant topics. No log in is necessary and you can choose from many topics which were previously recorded. Our goal is to give you honest, relevant pro, cons and detailed info about our Pinellas barrier island real estate.

Property Wizard’s 7 core real estate beliefs. Stick with these beliefs and real estate will work for you.

1. A real estate agent’s main value is her/his ability to gather and transmit real estate knowledge to clients.

2. Good real estate held long enough always increases in value.

3. No real estate in Florida has higher overall value than Pinellas barrier island real estate.

4. The laws of supply and demand always govern real estate values.

5. Only buy stuff that you know about.

6. Only sell real estate when you have a better use for the money.

7. Since no one knows the top or bottom of the market…forget about buying or selling there.

If you are confused or concerned about your real estate options, speak to the trusted advisor who gave you this article or contact me directly. If you want to keep getting these articles focusing on beach properties, without killing trees, send your email address. If you want to consider new construction on your lot with up to 100% financing, go to We offer 225 mph wind tested, green, energy efficient, galvanized steel homes, built exclusively on our Pinellas barrier islands. See more on .

All the best, Jim “Property Wizard” Beggins, Broker, CENTURY 21 Beggins Enterprises.  Since most opinions about real estate can be supported with facts, use my “hands on” experience in Florida real estate since 1972 to unconfuse your facts. Call, text or email me with any beach questions. , cell 727 254 8144

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