July Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons

July 2021 Astrology

Happy Birthday, America!  The last month’s energy is clearing out and closing down and summer is underway.  The New Moon in Cancer on the 9th begins the lunar cycle this month.  This sign is concerned with home and family matters, is sensitive and emotional, and needs security.  It offers a creative and transformative influence to start new paths in these areas.  Communication planet Mercury visits Cancer on the 11th and we are more intuitive and receptive mentally.  We are good listeners but may be quite touchy and easily swayed by our emotions in decision making.  

Love planet Venus is in Leo and we’re sending out affection and loyalty to those we love.  Generous and romantic we want attention and are loving life!  But a change comes later on the 21st when discriminating Virgo will welcome Venus.  Then the theme changes drastically as we spend less and analyze our feelings more. The Sun is in moody Cancer until the 22nd and then visits warm, vibrant Leo!  It will boost our enthusiasm, creativity, and we want to enjoy the good life!  A Full Thunder Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd brings up serious issues that may get sudden, drastic attention. 

July ends with three major cosmic moves.  Mercury enters dramatic Leo on the 27th allowing words to make a big impact and possibly exaggerate. On the 28th lucky planet Jupiter returns to Aquarius for the rest of the year to give that sign the growth, abundance, and optimism it started earlier on.  Action planet Mars has been in fiery Leo all month, but on the 29th will calm down when visiting analytical Virgo, becoming cool and scientific. Then, we’re more discriminating in choosing where to put our energy. 

CANCER:  New energy fills you with vitality as you begin your personal new year! Dreams can be a strong incentive to propel you forward.  Finances are highlighted with attention to resources, debt, and goals.  

LEO:  You enjoy popularity and are adventurous now!  But private interests also get your attention with new awareness.  Health on all levels gets your attention.  Relationships are in the spotlight both personal and professional. 

VIRGO:  You are enjoying quiet time and are busy behind the scenes.  New energy fills social life and future plans.  Your career area stays active. The spotlight falls on health issues and in the workplace.  You’re energized!

LIBRA:  Social life in personal and professional areas is energized and enjoyed!  New paths open in career; status as you use creative talents.  The spotlight falls on serious romance, a lasting hobby, and children.  

SCORPIO:  Superiors favor you and your position is enhanced; energized.  New interests in education and travel open doors for growth.  Family issues come to center stage with added obligations.  Later on, socialize; network. 

SAGITTARIUS:  Enjoy an adventurous trip with someone or make friends traveling!  A new look into resources can reveal creative financial moves. Conversations are highlighted and serious; understandings uncovered. 

CAPRICORN:  Finances and resources are enhanced.  New energy fills relationships both personal and professional.  Short trips are many. The spotlight will fall on income and practical plans needing to be implemented. 

AQUARIUS:  Relationships are energized and partners, cooperative.  A new awareness of health is beneficial, and work offers new options.  You are in the full moon spotlight with an accent on family and partnerships. 

PISCES:  Lucky Jupiter is in your sign until the end of July!  Health is a priority.  New energy fills love life, children, and recreation time!  Your inner world is illuminated, the hidden revealed; beneficial breakthroughs likely. 

ARIES:  Family and home have a new energy with understanding and change.  Enjoy recreation, romance, and get creative!  The full moon highlights realistic future planning; social obligations. Watch spending. 

TAURUS:  New ideas can assist in reaching goals creatively. Your home life is active and enjoyable.  The career area is in the spotlight with added duties or a higher position likely.  Multiple earning options are presented.       

GEMINI:  New energy in finances connected to your career.  Short trips are enjoyable and adventurous.  Travel is highlighted for work or obligations and may include surprises!  You are getting back on track and moving on.

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